Equinor’s No Gift, Hospitality and Expense Policies
(Code of Conduct)

Dear Valued Supplier,

We would like to take this time to thank you for your collaboration and valuable contributions. This excellent and important cooperation is crucial for us and the industry, and will continue to be an essential factor in realizing our ambition of achieving net zero in 2050.


As the holiday season is fast approaching, we would like to reiterate the importance of understanding and adhering to Equinor’s Policy on gifts, hospitality and expenses outlined in Equinor’s Code of Conduct. https://www.equinor.com/en/supply-chain.html#2a

As a supplier to Equinor, no offer of gifts, directly or indirectly, to Equinor’s employees, company representatives and/or any procurement responsible should be made. Hospitality such as social events, meals or entertainment should be avoided, unless a strong and clear business reason exists, and the costs are reasonable. Travel, accommodation, and other expenses for the individual representing Equinor will always be paid by Equinor.

We look forward to collaborating with you also in the future.

To get there. Together.

Happy Holidays,

With best regards,

Mette Halvorsen Ottøy
PDP Procurement and supplier relations
SVP Supply Chain – Chief Procurement Officer